Handling drop-down with Selenium

Selenium Select class is used to perform actions on drop-down:
Different functions provided by Select class:

selects or deselects an option by its visible text from drop down
selects or deselects an option by the value displayed for "value" attribute
selects or deselects an option by its index
returns TRUE if the drop-down allows multiple selection at a time and return FALSE if not allowed
deselects all selected options

Sample Code:
WebElement dropdown = driver.findElement(By.name("dropdown"));
Select select = new Select(dropdown);

// Here we will perform the multiselect operation in the dropdown.

The project was not built since its build path is incomplete eclipse java maven

For those encountering this error while using Maven:

    Right click on the project, Build Path -> Configure Build Path...
    Select the libraries tab. If Maven dependencies is not in the list, you have identified the problem.
    Close the dialog.
    Right click on the project, Maven -> Disable Maven Nature
    Right click on the project, Configure -> Convert to Maven Project.