Steps to configure perfmon In Win 7

  1. Click on start –> Click on Run
  2. Enter perfmon and press enter.

  3. Performance monitor is launched.
  4. Click on Data Collector Sets 

  5. Select User Defined option and right click on it
  6. Select New and Data collector Set.
  7. Enter a Name, select create manually radio button and click on Next button.

  8. Select create data logs, performance counter and click on Next

  9. Click on Add

  10. Click on Process and notice that processes are displayed “Instances of selected Object”, select the process you want to monitor.

  11. Now expand the process option and select required counters say processor Time, Add and click on Add button.

  12. Notice that selected counters are displayed under Added counters, now click OK button.

  13. Notice that in next dialog, counters are displayed with interval of time. User can change the interval.

  14. Click on Next
  15. Browse to a folder, click on next

  16. You can enter run as user details by clicking on change button 

  17. Select save and close and click on finish
  18. The user data collector is created 

  19. Right click on the newly crated data set and click on start
Note: To get logs in CSV file.

Right click on log file and select properties. From the dialog select file type as Comma Separated and click OK button.